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             The ARC-NRG Push-Up - Versatile, Effective and Fun

The Arc-NRG PushUps sliders help make it one of the most versatile home workout products on the market. The sliders make it easy to transition between many different types of push-ups such as chest flys, one arme body saw push-ups, hand diamond push-ups and many more.

IDEA Fit World Convention - ARC-NRG PushUp Booth

During the IDEA Fit World Convention in LA (July 14-16) many fitness enthusiasts got to experience the ARC-NRG PushUp for the first time. This is a short video to show case what some of them had to say.


The Truth About Weight Loss - Putting Fat on, and Taking It Off

This video is about Fat: Putting it on, and taking it off - how the body really works, why AB machines are not the answer and why the more muscles you're working, the more fat you're burning!

Best New Home Fitness - The ARC-NRG PushUp

Increase Strength - Build Muscle - Burn Fat